Cloud-based HR Payroll System
Manage your expanding workforce and streamline your HR processes.
✔ Unlimited users
✔ Mobile Responsive
Free Setup
User Capacity: Unlimited users
Branch Capacity: Multiple
Disk Space Capacity: Unmetered
Configure employee salary type: daily, monthly, fixed
Set deductions for government-mandated benefits: SSS, PhilHealth, HDMF, GSIS
Automatic deduction of loans: SSS, HDMF, GSIS, Cash Advance
Set Leave Calendar: Personal, Maternity, Paternity, Sick, Service Incentive Leave, Vacation
Set late amount per employee
Compliant to Philippine tax law
Group employees by department, project, unit, etc
Set rest days per employee
Automatic generation and printing of employee DTR
13th month pay computation
Human Resource Information System (HRIS, Attachment of employees’ documents)
Import .csv file from your existing biometrics machine
Self-service features – Individual log-in for all employees (OT application and approval)
Graphical view on employee on leave and status I calendar format
Leave Management (Employee can apply leave through the system (for approval))
Own domain
Auto computation (holiday, overtime, night diff., rest day prem.)
Unlimited customization of the schedules (standard, early morning shift, etc.)
Manual or automatic input of the holiday, overtime, leave, and night. diff. amount
Import the required gov’t documents (PDF format)
Disclosure of employees’ previous employment history
Multiple updates of employees’ schedule at once
Choose from existing templates for your payroll report and pay slip